| | |
Kurdish | mir | prince, chief |
Gael.I. | mór | large |
Breton | morgant | arrogant |
Franç. | morganatique | pertaining to a form of marriage in which a person |
of high rank marries someone of lower rank with the stipulation that neither the spouse nor the children will have any claim to the titles (the sense of haughty appears clearly, cf. preceding and following terms); certainly not from Germ. morgengabe "gift from husband to wife on day after wedding" |
Franç. | morgue | haughtiness, arrogance |
Gael.S. | moireas | haughtiness, height; Gael.I. moireis id. |
Anc.Greek | myriás | infinite number, innumerable crowd |
Engl. | more | in greater quantity, cf. masð4.7.5. |
Alb. | mori | great quantity |
Franç.: VS | moron | mouron |
Franç. | mouron | chickweed; plante sans caractère notable mais qui pousse en grande quantité |
Span. | mar | sea |
Franç. | mer | great quantity (of water,etc.). Engl. moor, marsh, |
French mare, marais appear to be semantically unrelated: their characteristics cannot be compared to mer the sea. Marsh and marais have long been considered as bad (source of malaria, untillable environment); in moor,mare, marsh, marais one should rather see the root m-r "bad" from which derive numerous European terms such as Engl. tomar "spoil, injure", Anc.Greek maranathá "malediction", Anc.Greek marasmós "wasting, decline", ON merja "to injure, crush, Lat. martyrus, French mort "death", Skr. márate "to die", Lith. mirti id., Lith. mérdéti "to agonize", Germ. mörder "murder", Lat. morbidus "sickly", Anc.Greek smerdaléos "frightning", French merde "excrement etc. The same root is also found in Semitic languages: Arabic marida "to be sick", Ugarit. mrs id., Anc.Eg. mr "to be sick, suffer, die" etc. |
Gallego | almeiro | large troup (of sardines, birds) |
Pers. | mard | man |
Arm. | mard | id. |
Franç. | mari | husband, cf. masð4.7.5. and manð 4.7.9 |
Arabic | mari` | viril; maru`a to be viril; Mande mari monsieur; Australia marri homme |
Berb. | tamàra | power of action; important personne |
ougarit. | mr, mrì | master |
Aram. | màrè' | lord |
Skr. | máryas | young man |
Anc.Greek | meirax | lad |
Anc.Eg. | nr | to be strong, mighty |
Cymric | ner | hero; nerth viril; o.Ire. nerth hero |
Alb. | njer | man |
Etr. | neri | man; Umbr. nerus id.; Oscan nerorum of the man |
Anc.Greek | anèr | man; Arm. ayr id. |
Anc.Greek | énergós | energetically |
Skr. | nar- | noble man |
Roman. | mare | large |
Franç.arg. | marre (en avoir) | to have enough, to be fed up |
Franç.centre | marret | block of wood |
Breton | marc'h | horse: large animal |
Ital. | marchiána | very large thing