Anc.Greek | trizo | to utter a shrill sound, to crack, to creak, squeak |
Mod.Greek: Chypre | trizana | Mistle Thrush, 340 |
Franç.: Rémilly | trizala | retentir, FEW 23: 201 |
Franç.: Metz | râzalâ | id. |
Esp. | tris, trisca | bruit de quelque chose qui se brise |
Anc.Greek | trismós | action de râper |
l. | trissare | to call ("hirondelle" = Black Swift, 321; l'hirondelle ne crie pas) |
Franç.(a.litt.) | trisser | id. |
Germ.reg. | trössel | Great Reed Warbler, 373 |
Franç.rég. | trezel, treselle | rattle, FEW 23: 200 |
Ital.reg. | tresso, trizzola etc. | Garganey, 43 |
R.Rom. | traoss | goose, 27 |
Franç.(a.litt.) | trucier | brûler, FEW 23: 47 |
Franç.(a.litt.) | trusson | dissension; canaille, FEW 22: 77 |
Mod.Greek | stritsida | Olivaceous Warbler, 382 |
Alb. | trishtil | Great Tit, 390 (?) |
Germ. | tratschen | to cackle, to chatter, potiner |
Russian | treSat' | to crack |
Russian | treSotka | rattle |
Pol. | trasacz | to crack |
Czech | treSkot | craquement |
Russian | treScotka | Wren, 406 (for these Slavic forms, see also tr-skð5.1.7.) |
Ukr. | trySc, streS | Wren, 406 |
Roman. | triSSuc | Wren, 406 |
Sbc. | strSel | Corn Bunting, 445 |
Pol. | potrest et var. | Corn Bunting, 445 |
Sbc. | tresti | tambouriner (Pic, 273) |
Engl. | night-thrush | Nightjar, 251 |
Engl. | throsher | Corn Crake, 146 |
Engl. | thrush | Mistle Thrush, 340 |
Alb. | tushë | (pour trushë ?) Mistle Thrush, 340 |
Franç.rég. | trasse et var. | Mistle Thrush, 340 |
Ital. | tressa et var. | Mistle Thrush, 340 |
Germ.reg. | dresch | Mistle Thrush, 340 |
Pol. | druczyç | to warble |
Ital.reg. | dress | Mistle Thrush, 340 |
Franç.: Morvan | deurson | fracas, FEW 23: 197 |
Franç.rég. | drissarle | Wren, 406 |
Germ.reg. | dressel | Great Reed Warbler, 373 |
Sbc. | drozel | Mistle Thrush, 340 |
Germ. | drossel | id. |
Franç.: Rémilly | trizalë | Mistle Thrush, 340 |
Franç.: Le Mans | trasle | id. |
Engl. | drassle-thrush | id. |
Germ. | drustel | id. |
Germ.L: Suisse | troestler | id. |
Engl. | throstle | id. |
Svensk | trast, thrösthr | id. |
Engl. | throstle-teal | Garganey, 43 |
Germ.reg. | trössel et var. | Garganey, 43 |
Germ.reg. | trossel | Corn Bunting, 445 |
Engl.: Shetl. | trussy-laverock | Corn Bunting, 445 |
Engl.reg. | thristle-cock | Corn Bunting, 445 |
Franç.: Gleize | trütchelé | to whistle, FEW 23: 195 |
Ukr. | dristun, dristuxa | Corn Bunting, 445 |
Russian | dristun | Great Reed Warbler, 373 |
Cymric | trwst | noise |
Gael.I. | trost | noise, crackling |
Russian | trost' | reed ð5.2.43. et trskað5.1.7. |
Ukr. | trostjanka | Garganey, 43 |