Franç.(a.litt.) | rastel | French râteau, outil produisant un son grinçant; Garganey, 43; Engl. rakeð5.2.45. |
Franç.: Toulouse | rastouillet | Whinchat and Stonechat, 353, 354 |
Franç.: Gasc. | rastelet | Wren, 406 |
Franç.: Corse | rastelet | Whitethroat, 362 |
Cat. | rastella | Garganey, 43 |
Sbc. | rastalka | Garganey, 43 |
Sbc. | rastelj | Corn Crake, 146 |
Ital. | razzolare | to scrape; to scrape the soil (domestic hen, 2) |
Ital. | radzáia | Short-toed Lark, 300 |
Engl. (slang) | razz | to deride, make fun of |
Esp.: Ast. | ratsar | to gnash one's teeth |
Esp.: Ast. | ratso | Barn Owl, 238 |
Germ. reg. | staudenratzer | Whitethroat, 362 |
Czech | raca | Kestrel, 234 |
Czech | racek | Herring Gull, 81; Black-headed Gull, 90 |
Sbc. | recel | Corn Crake, 146 |
Czech | rajcak | Chaffinch, 432 |
Germ. | rauschen | to rustle |
Germ. reg. | rauscher | Serin, 418 |
Franç.: Thostes | raichener | faire un bruit de feuilles, FEW 23: 144 |
Ital. | stroscio | rustling of water |
Ital. | ruzzolo | spinning top |
Frisian | russelje | rustle |
Engl. | rustle | make a succession of slight, soft sounds |
Franç.: b.Maine | rustoner | murmurer entre les dents, FEW 22: 79 |
Sbc. | roziti | to play bagpipe |
Ital.sud | rusci | Barn Owl, 238 |
Franç.: Malmédy | rusi | frotter, râcler, FEW 21: 397 |
Franç.: wall. | rôziner | to nibble, warble, coo |
Franç.: b.Maine | ruzin | violon, FEW 23: 144 |
Franç.: Dombras | russon | chant monotone, FEW 23: 141-142 |
Franç.rég. | rosser | to grumble |
Franç. | rosse | sorte de flûte, FEW 23: 145; vieux cheval, cf. horseð5.2.24. |
Franç.rég. | rousse, rouche | reed |
Franç. | roseau | reed; plante qui bruit lorsqu'on la manipule ou marche dessus, cf. cf. carrizoð5.2.14., rákos 5.2.43, trost' 5.18 |
Franç.: Montana (VS) | roSèla | rattle (the object) |
Franç.VS: St.Luc | ruSèlá | to sing (coq et certains oiseaux; ruSéla crécelle) |
Franç.: Aoste (arg.) | reucho | dog |
Franç.rég. | rousser | to growl |
Cat.reg. | rossèt | Garganey, 43 |
Esp.reg. | roseta | Garganey, 43 |
Ital. | russare | to snore |
Franç.rég. | rouskis | din, uproar, FEW 23: 197 |
Franç.: b.Maine | rouscayé | faire du bruit, FEW 23: 199 |
Franç.: Ldes | crouscá | to crack, FEW 23: 204 |
Franç. | croustiller | to crackle |
Engl. | roast | to roast |
Franç. | rôtir | to grill |
Engl. | rouse, roust | to bring out of a state of sleep: by calling ("orig. uncert.") |
Engl. | rooster | domestic cock, 2 |
Engl. | royston-crow | Hooded Crow, 281 |
Germ. | rosseln | to snore |
Germ.reg. | rossdrossel | Mistle Thrush, 340 |
Germ.reg. | rossamsel | Ring Ouzel, 344 |
Germ.reg. | rossdrecklin | Corn Crake, 146 |
Germ.reg. | rossente | Gadwall, 45 |
Germ.reg. | rossdumpf | Bittern, 125 |
Germ.reg. | rosskrinitz | Crossbill, 428 |
Germ.reg. | rossgyr | Buzzard, 211 |
Germ. | rasseln | to sound, click |
Germ. | rascheln | to groan |
Franç.: Clessi | roessi | tonifier (l'estomac), FEW 23: 318 (= roter) |
Franç.: Saunois | réSi | tousser, FEW 21: 315 |
Franç.: Rémilly | réâs | grommeler, FEW 22: 74 |
Franç.: Mauges | ras | scène de pleurs, FEW 22: 60 |
Franç.: Anjou | derasser | to cackle (domestic hen, 2) FEW 22: 15 |
Franç.arg. | raser | to bore (by talking) |
Franç.(a.litt.) | raserde | jeers |
Franç.: Fraize | resgréy | parodier, se moquer, FEW 23: 73 |
Franç.: H.Sav. | raiselâ | to bleat |
Franç.: Magland | rézelá | to cry |
Franç.: Blonay | rezayá | rallumer, FEW 23: 44 |
Breton | razailhat | to bark furiously |
Czech | rezac | Corn Crake, 146 |
Sbc. | rezovac | id. |
Sbc. | rezati | to cut |
Lith. | rézti | déchirer, cf. rhèxisð5.2.50. |
Czech | vreStêti, vriskati | to brawl |
Germ.reg. | riester | Alpine Chough, 287 |
Breton | risign | growling |
Breton | riziñ | grasseyer (to pronounce the /r/ the French way |
Roman. | râstit | on a rude tone |
Roman. | râset | burst of laughing |
Esp. | risa | laughter |
Esp. | rise | Greenfinch, 416 |
Franç. | risée | banter |
Anc.Greek | rhèsis | word, speech, cf. rhètorð5.2.49. |
Franç. | rissoler | to grill |
Franç.: Tarbes | arissá | grincer, FEW 23: 203 |
Franç.: Ardennes | arcir | to gnash one's teeth, FEW 23: 203 |