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Franç.(a.litt.)rastelFrench râteau, outil produisant un son grinçant; Garganey, 43; Engl. rakeð5.2.45.
Franç.: ToulouserastouilletWhinchat and Stonechat, 353, 354
Franç.: Gasc.rasteletWren, 406
Franç.: CorserasteletWhitethroat, 362
Cat.rastellaGarganey, 43
Sbc.rastalkaGarganey, 43
Sbc.rasteljCorn Crake, 146
Ital.razzolareto scrape; to scrape the soil (domestic hen, 2)
Ital.radzáiaShort-toed Lark, 300
Engl. (slang)razzto deride, make fun of
Esp.: Ast.ratsarto gnash one's teeth
Esp.: Ast.ratsoBarn Owl, 238
Germ. reg.staudenratzerWhitethroat, 362
CzechracaKestrel, 234
CzechracekHerring Gull, 81; Black-headed Gull, 90
Sbc.recelCorn Crake, 146
CzechrajcakChaffinch, 432
Germ.rauschento rustle
Germ. reg.rauscherSerin, 418
Franç.: Thostesraichenerfaire un bruit de feuilles, FEW 23: 144
Ital.strosciorustling of water
Ital.ruzzolospinning top
Frisian russeljerustle
Engl.rustlemake a succession of slight, soft sounds
Franç.: b.Mainerustonermurmurer entre les dents, FEW 22: 79
Sbc.rozitito play bagpipe
Ital.sudrusciBarn Owl, 238
Franç.: Malmédyrusifrotter, râcler, FEW 21: 397
Franç.: wall.rôzinerto nibble, warble, coo
Franç.: b.Maineruzinviolon, FEW 23: 144
Franç.: Dombrasrussonchant monotone, FEW 23: 141-142
Franç.rég.rosserto grumble
Franç.rossesorte de flûte, FEW 23: 145; vieux cheval, cf. horseð5.2.24.
Franç.rég.rousse, rouchereed
Franç.roseaureed; plante qui bruit lorsqu'on la manipule ou marche dessus, cf. cf. carrizoð5.2.14., rákos 5.2.43, trost' 5.18
Franç.: Montana (VS)roSèlarattle (the object)
Franç.VS: St.LucruSèláto sing (coq et certains oiseaux; ruSéla crécelle)
Franç.: Aoste (arg.)reuchodog
Franç.rég.rousserto growl
Cat.reg.rossètGarganey, 43
Esp.reg.rosetaGarganey, 43
Ital.russareto snore
Franç.rég.rouskisdin, uproar, FEW 23: 197
Franç.: b.Mainerouscayéfaire du bruit, FEW 23: 199
Franç.: Ldescrouscáto crack, FEW 23: 204
Franç.croustillerto crackle
Engl.roastto roast
Franç.rôtirto grill
Engl.rouse, roustto bring out of a state of sleep: by calling ("orig. uncert.")
Engl.roosterdomestic cock, 2
Engl.royston-crowHooded Crow, 281
Germ.rosselnto snore
Germ.reg.rossdrosselMistle Thrush, 340
Germ.reg.rossamselRing Ouzel, 344
Germ.reg.rossdrecklinCorn Crake, 146
Germ.reg.rossenteGadwall, 45
Germ.reg.rossdumpfBittern, 125
Germ.reg.rosskrinitzCrossbill, 428
Germ.reg.rossgyrBuzzard, 211
Germ.rasselnto sound, click
Germ.raschelnto groan
Franç.: Clessiroessitonifier (l'estomac), FEW 23: 318 (= roter)
Franç.: SaunoisréSitousser, FEW 21: 315
Franç.: Rémillyréâsgrommeler, FEW 22: 74
Franç.: Maugesrasscène de pleurs, FEW 22: 60
Franç.: Anjouderasserto cackle (domestic hen, 2) FEW 22: 15
Franç.arg.raserto bore (by talking)
Franç.: Fraizeresgréyparodier, se moquer, FEW 23: 73
Franç.: H.Sav.raiselâto bleat
Franç.: Maglandrézeláto cry
Franç.: Blonayrezayárallumer, FEW 23: 44
Bretonrazailhatto bark furiously
CzechrezacCorn Crake, 146
Sbc.rezatito cut
Lith.réztidéchirer, cf. rhèxisð5.2.50.
CzechvreStêti, vriskatito brawl
Germ.reg.riesterAlpine Chough, 287
Bretonriziñgrasseyer (to pronounce the /r/ the French way
Roman.râstiton a rude tone
Roman.râsetburst of laughing
Esp.riseGreenfinch, 416
Anc.Greekrhèsisword, speech, cf. rhètorð5.2.49.
Franç.rissolerto grill
Franç.: Tarbesarisságrincer, FEW 23: 203
Franç.: Ardennesarcirto gnash one's teeth, FEW 23: 203

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