| | |
Franç.: Berry | riquer | to creak |
Franç.rég. | rikki | Mistle Thrush, 340 |
Franç.: Saint. | riqueter | to clatter |
Franç.: centre | riquet | ferraille, cricket, rattle, FEW 10: 406-407 (cf. criquetð5.2.38.) |
Franç.: Québec | riquet | Chimney Swift Chaeturapelagica |
Franç.: Morvan | ricouchon (chanter en) | chanter une chanson qui ne finit pas, FEW 23: 142 |
Franç.: Norm. | riqueu | Wren, 406; Black Redstart, 348 |
Franç. | fricassée | (prosth. /f/) a fried dish, cf. frigeð5.2.54., gratinerð5.2.49. |
Franç.: Meuse | ricoïâle | joyeux, FEW 22: 25 |
Franç.rég. | rîcar, richard | Jay, 290 |
Franç.: Namur | richauder | to call (Jay, 290) |
Esp.: Nav. | recharte | Starling, 293 |
Esp.: Alicante | ric-roc | certain musical instrument |
Esp.: Montañ. | riquirraque | rattle |
Cat. | racarac | sharp sound |
Franç.rég. | ricoupe | Great Crested Grebe, 66 |
Ital.: Lomb. | ric-e-pover | Great Reed Warbler, 373 |
Franç.: Brive | ricanganar | ricaner, FEW 22: 74 |
Franç. | ricaner | to growl |
Franç. | richonner | to laugh |
Esp. | rechinar | to creak, to growl |
Breton | rinchana | to moo |
Breton | richan | warbling |
Franç.: Bret. | richoná | to warble |
Franç.: Bret. | richodin | Chaffinch, 432 |
Franç.: Liège | ritchafler | to sing (Chaffinch, 432) |
Breton | richer | brook |
Germ. | rischeln | to rustle |
Germ. reg. | ritscher | Black Swift, 321 |
Germ. reg. | ritschger | Wren, 406 |
Nederl. | titse | Mistle Thrush, 340 |
Franç.rég. | richler | bruire (feuilles), FEW 10: 420 |
Franç.: Gleize | ritcholé | to warble |
Franç.: Béarn. | richoulejà | to warble |
Franç.rég. | richot | soulier |
Lith. | rekloti | to cry, mugir |
Lith. | réklys | Bittern, 125 |
Franç.: Givet | rèklè | réclamer en grommelant, FEW 22: 79 |
Franç.rég. | riclè | Kestrel, 234 |
Franç.: Ruffey | rükla | pleurer, FEW 22: 61 |
Franç.: Barcel. | ricle | mauvais fusil |
Franç.: Périgueux | ricle | grand feu, FEW 23: 44 et 47 |
Engl. | rikle | clatter |
Engl.reg. | richel-bird, rixy | Common Tern, 97, 99 |
Engl.reg. | richard | (cf. Fr. richard "Jay", above) cock, 2 |
Engl.reg. | reik | Greenfinch, 416 |
Engl.reg. | reik-hen, reek-hen | Corn-Crake, 146 (see also 5.2.45) |
Norsk | reks, rikse | Corn Crake, 146 |
Gael.S. | réic | roar, howl |
Gael.I. | reic | peddle, cry for sale |
Sbc. | riknuti | to cry |
Czech | rikani | to say |
Czech | riceti | to moo |
Germ.: VS | richen | Alpine Chough, 287 |
Germ.reg. | richterle | Wren, 406 |
Germ.reg. | dornreich | Whitethroat, 362 |
Skr. | rikhati | to tear |
Anc.Greek | rhèxis | (subst.) rip, cf. Pok. 165, 858, 1181 |
Germ.reg. | rech et var. | domestic duck, 40 |
Germ.(mha) | rèch | roe deer |
Germ. | reh | Engl. roe deer, Dan. raa, for its raucous call, not "spotted" (Klein), the roe deer is not spotted |
Germ.reg. | rehvielche | Wren, 406 |
Breton | roc'h | rattle, snoring |
Franç. | requin | shark. Originally the word probably designated the |
seal, a noisy mammal frequent on the Orkneys (see orcð5.18.7.); the shark is silent and does not usually occur in European waters; in any case requin does not derive from requiem, hereunder) |
Breton | rec'h | sorrow |
Lat. | requiem | (borrowing) lament |
Franç. | réchin | sad |
Franç. | rechigner | to growl, to gnash one's teeth, to grouse |
Esp. | rechinar | to creak, to growl |
Gallego | reichiño | Wren, 406 |
Breton | rec'hiñ | warbling |