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5.12.3 lig-, lik- (indicates a shrill sound), log-, lug-

Anc.Greekligus, ligurósshrill (of a sound); bird trill
Anc.Greekligitsoto sing loud and clear
Roman.: Mold.lighioanâdomestic fowl and animals
Sbc.legalicagoose, 27
Sbc.prilegacsandpipers, 171; Curlew, 167
Lettishligoa kind of refrain; certain festivities
Alb.ligjëlaw, ligjëri voice, ligjor, legal
Anc.Greeklegeinto speak
Anc.Greeklégoto say, to name
Ital.leggelaw: commandment
Ital.leggereSpan. leer, franc. lire
Ital.leggendahistoire fabuleuse
Engl.legendan unverifiable story
Bretonluganwar cry
Engl.sloganwar cry; not from Gael. sluagh ghairm, cf. logos (above)
ON löglaw
Engl.lawa commandment; French loi, Span. lei, Lat. lex: the law is the word to be listened to, or obeyed (not akin to lay; law cannot be given an etymology different from legal)
Lat.legalispertaining to law
Ital.lucarino et var.Siskin, 417
Esp.lûgano et
Port.lugre et
Cat.llucaret et
Mod.Greeklûgaronid. lugareñodomestic cock, 2
Germ.schlagento sing, to call (birds); song of the Nightingale,337; to hit
Germ.reg.sleggergosGrey Lag-Goose, 28
Engl.lag-gooseGrey Lag-Goose, 28
Engl.lag of geeseclamour of geese
Anc.Greeklagosperhaps the Black Swift, 321
Anc.Greeklagodiasan owl, prob. the Tawny Owl, 239
Franç.: Lgd.laghisorrow
Ital.reg.pássera lágiaBrambling, 433
Ital.lágrimareto cry, lament. Secondairement: verser des larmes, cf. larmesð5.11.8.. Le gr. dakryma paraît être un empr. au roman (avec l>d, cf. UlyssusðOdysseus,olorðodor)
Russianljazgnoise, crackling
Franç.: Courtisolleslèzpassing bell
Slk.leziak et var.Stone Curlew, 154
Ukr.lezen'Stone Curlew, 154; Nightjar, 251
RussianleSinStone Curlew, 154
Sbc.legan et var.Nightjar, 251
Sbc.legatBee-eater, 265
Sbc.legalicagoose, 27
Pers.lek, likgoose, 27
Dan.havlyk, havlitLong-tailed Duck, 55
Sbc.lekcrowing of the Hooded Crow, 281
LettishlecisNightjar, 251
Pol.leczak, lëczaksandpipers, 171
Bielor.slucoksandpipers, 171
Czechlickadomestic duck, 40
Czechlkátito moan, to lament
Ukr.lykyj piven'Hoopoe, 263
Russianlikovat'to call, exult
CzechskreizlikenBarn Owl, 238
Dan.likkaLesser Balck-backed Gull, 82
Germ.reg.likhuhn, leicheneuleNightjar, 251 (or Barn Owl 238)
Germ. reg.lîkhö'rCurlew, 167
Nederl.kijkuilBarn Owl, 238
Ukr.driglikNightjar, 251
Engl.reg.lich-owl, like-owlid.
Roman.lichâ, lichitoareid.
Franç.: Gasc.lictourneid.

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