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Arabic: Eg.targaludàsCorn Bunting, 445
Pers.turgehSong Thrush, 339
Franç.targuer (se)to boast about
Franç.: Ajonètairgâdin, uproar, FEW 23: 197
Anc.Greektragodoto declaim
Anc.Greektragodíatragic declaiming. Not from trágos "he-goat" (explanation given: "a singer competing for he-goat as a prize" - a tortuous and unjustified etymology)
Franç.: Liègetrâgendéevive dispute
Anc.Greektrogeinto gnaw
Engl.reg.throggyMistle Thrush, 340
Sbc.trogirbunting, 440 (?) (prob. the Corn Bunting, 445)
Sbc.strûglathe, strûgati to scrape, sharpen, rub
Sbc.strgljatito tap (Nuthatch, 401)

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