Skr. | pippaka | an unidentified bird |
Anc.Greek | pípos, pippos | chick |
Anc.Greek | pipo | an unidentified bird |
Anc.Greek | piphynx | prob. pipit, 307 |
Anc.Greek | pippizein | to chirp |
Anc.Greek | tittibizo | to chirp |
Mod.Greek | pipízo | id. |
Mod.Greek | pipidza | Chaffinch, 432 |
Czech, Slk. | pipiska et var. | Tree Pipit, 307 |
Czech | pipati | to peep, to chirp |
Czech | piple | chick, 2 |
Sbc. | pipac | House Sparrow, 410 |
Sbc. | pipe | duckling, 40 |
Sln. | pipa | domestic hen, 2 |
Svensk | pipare | to peep |
Germ. | piepen | to peep |
Germ.: reg. | piepmöwe | Black-headed Gull, 90 |
Germ.: reg. | pipeful | Wren, 406 |
Germ. | pieper | pipits, 305-307 |
Dan. | pieber | pipits, 305-307 |
Nederl. | piepteling | Wigeon, 46 |
Engl. | piper | flute player; sandpipers, 180 |
Engl. | peep | to chirp, cheep; sandpipers, 180 |
Engl. | peep-hawk | Kestrel, 234 |
Germ. | pieplerche | pipits, 305-307 |
Norsk | piplaerke | pipits, 305-307 |
Engl. | peeplark, pipit | pipits, 305-307 |
Franç.: Pic. | pipette | pipits, 305-307 |
Esp. | pepita | pipits, 305-307 |
Franç.: Seine-Inf. | alouette piperesse | pipits, 305-307 |
Ital.: Cal. | pipita | fifre |
Ital.: Cal. | pipitella | whistle |
Ital.: Cal. | pipitolla | Great Tit, 390 |
Ital.: Cal. | pipitedda | spinning top |
Ital.: Cal. | pipitare | bisbigliare |
Ital.: Cal. | pipito | susurrio |
Ital.: Cal., Sic. | pipituni | Lapwing, 158 |
Ital. | pipì | peeping; Pipit, 307 |
Ital.: Cal. | pip | Turkey, 5 |
Ital. | pipa | seria lunga, noiose del pigolere di uccelli |
Prov. | pipeu | chick, 2 |
Franç. | piper | to say (in "ne pas piper le mot"), to peep |
Franç. | pipelette | janitor |
Lat. | pipiunculus | Kestrel, 234 |
Ital.: Tosc. | pippione | squab, 254 |
Ital.: Corse | pepine | Turkey, 5 |
Mod.Greek | pipíni | squab, 254 |
Mod.Greek: Chypre | pipiuni | Meadow Pipit, 305 |
Sbc. | pipunic | sandpipers, 180 |
Franç.: VS (enfant.) | pipina | domestic hen, 2 |
Franç.: Aveyron | pipido | domestic hen, 2 |
Franç. | pépier | to peep (birds) |
Lat. | pipare | to peep (Kestrel, hen) |
Port. | pipioro | Tree Pipit, 307 |
Esp.: Nav. | píparra | Great Tit, 390 |
Lettish | piparu putns | Waxwing, 329 |
Mod.Greek | pipíri | squab, 254 |
Anc.Greek | pipra | an unidentified bird |
Alb. | pipili | whistle |
Anc.Greek | pípylos, pítylos | an unidentified bird |
Prussian | pepelis, pippalins | whistle |
Anc.Greek | piphalís | an unidentified bird |
Sln. | piple et var. | chick, 2 |
Ital. | spipla et var. | pipits, 305-307 |
Ital. | pipilare | to warble |
Franç. | pipolé | Spotted Crake, 143 |