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Kurdishziqàwa et var.Lapwing, 158
Arabic: Tun.sekseksandpipers, 180
Arabicsiqsáq et var.Spur-winged Plover, 159
Sbc.sikavcicChaffinch, 432
Sbc.sikiricicaSkylark, 297
Sbc.pocikivatito cry
Sbc.cikirMeadow Pipit, 305
Sbc.cikavac et var.Song Thrush, 339
Germ.reg.zickdröscherlSong Thrush, 339
CzechcikacNuthatch, 401
Czechsykavec, sycavecChaffinch, 432
Slk.sekavecChaffinch, 432
Ukr.SinkovicChaffinch, 432
Ukr.sykati, cykatito whistle, chat etc.
Ukr.SykacGreat Grey Shrike, 324
Ukr.cikoten'Song Thrush, 339
Franç.: VendômesicotSong Thrush, 339
Franç.: Jujurieuxsicottidin, uproar, FEW 23: 197
Pol.czykutejkaMagpie, 288
Pol.ksykaczWood Warbler, 386
Slk.cikalkaWood Warbler, 386
Czechsikavka, sicvaWood Warbler, 386
Sbc.SikavacLittle Owl, 242
Ukr.sykit, cekitRed-backed Shrike, 326
Lettishsiktbuzz, whistle
Engl. (OE)sicanto sigh; ME siken, sichen id.
Engl.sighto let out one's breath audibly
Pol.syczeczto prattle
Pol.syczecto hiss
Sbc.sycecSkylark, 297
Czechsýc, sejcBarn Owl, 238
Sbc.SikavacLittle Owl, 242
Sbc.sicecGreat Tit, 390
CzechseycGreat Grey Shrike, 324
Ukr.SycykGreat Grey Shrike, 324
Ukr.sycykWren, 406
Ukr.sycWryneck, 279
Bielor.çiçLittle Owl, 242
Bulg.cicopejGreat Tit, 390
Alb.syqokJackdaw, 285
Alb.cëqeflute; Song Thrush, 339; Blackbird, 343; Wren, 406; Tree Pipit, 307
Sbc.ciceznjakWren, 406
Roman.tichi, sichírWren, 406
Ukr.cikir, sikir, sikorkaGreat Tit, 390
Slk.sýkorkaGreat Tit, 390
Pol.sikoraGreat Tit, 390
Sbc.sikiricicaGreat Tit, 390; Skylark, 297
Roman.cicoricâCommon Tern, 97
Ital.: Sic.zicchirriaristridere
Ital.: Sard.(Campid.)zicchiriaicigolare
Ital.: Sard.tsikkiriarestridere, cigolare
Ital.: Sard.thikkiríarattle
Ital.: SarabiccicrinuKestrel, 234
Mod.GreektsíkrosKestrel, 234
Esp.ciquillínKestrel, 234
Esp.: And.chiculíovoice of the Goldfinch, 415
Esp.: Almeríachicloloud voice
Ital.: Cal.cicareddaGreat Tit, 390
Ital.: Baricecareddusandpipers, 180
Ital.: Sic.cichiteddatalkative woman; Reed Warbler, 374, 378
Ital.: Berg.cichataReed Warbler, 374
Ital.: Frasco (TI)cicotipeeping of chicks
Franç.: wall.chicoterto sing (birds)
Franç.: Périg.eissicadocri déchirant
Franç.: Cahorstsikhpaêtre agacé, FEW 22: 71
Prov.chicayréSong Thrush, 339; bird call (object)
Prov.chicato prattle
Roman.cicoareGarden Warbler, 357
Ital.: AmiatacicaGreat Tit, 390
Ital.: Nap.secarielloCommon Sandpiper, 178
Ital.: reg.sechètaGreat Tit, 390
Ital.secareto cut (produces a sharp sound)
Esp.zacapelauproar, yell, noise, bustle
Esp.zacatína place where garments are sold, i.e. peddled aloud
Esp.: Ast.zaconelaLapwing, 158
Esp.: Cubdazacatecaa member of a funeral procession (crying aloud)
Franç.: Juvignysecápleurer, FEW 21: 315 et 22: 61
Franç.: Sav.secátousser, FEW 21: 315
Franç.: Savièsedzekyenáse plaindre, FEW 22: 62
Franç.: Arsuresœkérot, FEW 21: 318
Franç.: FRtsequethoquet
Franç.secse dit d'un bruit claquant (ne peut avoir de rapport sémantique avec sec "déshydraté" ð3.4.7.)
Franç.: VS, Dauph.tsac!interjection imitant un bruit sec, spécialement une section, FEW 23: 197
Roman.tâcârto clatter
Roman.tâcâitoareRed-backed Shrike, 326
Ital.: Sard.tsaccareto crackle
Sbc.cvakati(parasitic /v/) to drum (Great Spotted Wodpecker, 273)
Ital.: Sard.tsaccareddarattle
Ital.: Romg.tsacla, tsàculadomestic duck, 40
Ital.: Ven.ánara da zógolodomestic duck, 40
Ital.: Romg.tsacleíto prattle
Franç.: Fr.C.syokelerto cackle (domestic hen, 2)
Prov.sanclameplainte incessante, FEW 22: 62
Lith.cigzdéGreat Tit, 390
Lith.cigzdisSong Thrush, 339
LettishcigusisHouse Sparrow, 410
Sbc.cigaGoldfinch, 415
Sbc.cigavacMeadow Pipit, 305
Pol.s'cigasandpipers, 180
Alb.cigaristo fry
Ital.nordtsigareto whistle
Ital.: Ven.sigar, zigarto cry
Ital.nordzègar, arzeiguel, arzávola(g>v) Garganey, 43
Ital.: Sic.zagarognaBarn Owl, 238
Ital.: Valt.sögaBuzzard, 211
Franç.: LavedanségoPtarmigan, 12
BasquesagaroBlack Swift, 321
Prov.segueurouKestrel, 234
Franç.: Cellessigrelerse dit d'un bruit de froissement métallique, FEW 23: 203
Ital.: Valt.Sigüracicada
Franç.:St. Didier.T.Siürése dit d'un enfant qui crie tout le temps, FEW 23: 63
Ital.: Gen.scigurunWigeon, 46
Ital.: Varesesicüronsandpipers, 171
Cat.: Mgerm.xigueraGreat Tit, 390
Port.cigareiroKestrel, 234
Port.: MadeiracigarrinhoSpectacled Warbler, 364
Prov.cigarounGreat Reed Warbler, 373
Ital.: RomasugheroneSmew, 62
Esp.: Nav.sugarinaLapwing, 158
Ukr.SugajBlack Kite, 215
Roman.suguito banter
Sbc.cegretusaGarganey, 43
Sbc.cigraCommon Tern, 97, 100
Russiancegravatern, 95, 100
Esp.chigreKestrel, 234
Pers.jigranaStone Curlew, 154
Pers.jigrana et var.Stone Curlew, 154
amh.jigra et var.Guineafowl, 6

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