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5.3.6 s-v-l, s-b-l, s-l-b

Roman.tivlito attract with a bird call
Ital.: Mod.scivlonWigeon, 46
Mod.GreeksyvlíourosCurlew, 167
Hung.süvöltö(Romance substr.) Bullfinch, 430
Ital.: Friulisivilàto whistle
Franç.: Vauxizvélrire d'un rire aigu, FEW 22: 70
Lat.sibiloto whistle
Esp.sibilinoCoal Tit, 392
Franç.: JonssibolèSong Thrush, 339
Basquetxibilistaisandpipers, 171
Mod.GreektsibelaraGreen Woodpecker, 270
Mod.GreektsibikadaStarling, 293 (Voir 5.3.5)
Sbc.cibikati, ciblavatito warble (Goldfinch, 415)
Germ.reg.sibchenWillow Warbler, 384
Germ.: SuisseseibliänderAlpine Accentor, 409
Germ.: HelgolandsiblitschvinkGoldfinch, 415
Franç.(a.litt.)subler, siblerto whistle, Franç.:VS seblá
Prov.siblaire et var.Bullfinch, 430
Prov.: Gardsiblarèlosandpipers, 171
Ital.siblareto whistle
Esp.silbarto whistle
Port.silvadeiraSong Thrush, 339
Esp.silvarroncoNightingale, 337
Aroman.sirviliuNightingale, 337
Ital.: Sard.surbarto whistle
Ital.: CalsirvarolaGreat Tit, 390

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