Franç. | puce | flea |
Franç. | marché aux puces | flea market: market for small things |
Franç. | puce à l'oreille (la) | the small thing that arouses suspiscion |
Prov.: b.Dauph. | puzon | tree louse |
Franç. | pousse | new shoot, cf. Ital. pollóneð9.1.1. |
Franç. | pouce | Wren, 406; the shortest finger, cf. thumbð4.4.8.1. |
Franç. | Petit Poucet | Tom Thumb |
Svensk | pys | tot |
Engl. | puss | affectionate term for a child (no relation to pussy "cat" etc. ð6.2.29.) |
Ital.nord | puS | young child |
Ital.: Piem. | pociu | cherished |
Ital.: V. Germanasca | pucciu | cherished |
Prov.(a.litt.) | piusella | jeune fille; French pucelle |
l. | pusillus | very small |
Franç.rég. | pesul | louse |
Franç. | puceron | tree louse |
Franç.: Doubs | peussero | Wren, 406 |
Franç.: Yonne | pousselotte | leaf warbler, 384 |
Franç.: Yonne | poussotte | Long-tailed Tit, 398 |
Ital.: Alba | puasèt | Long-tailed Tit, 398 |
Breton: Vannes | pousin | small bird |
Franç. | poussin | chick, young bird |
Franç.rég. | poussin d'eau | sandpipers, 180 |
Ital.: Sard. | pussinatu, pissinatu | Wren, 406 |
Franç.: Québec | pissou | Sizerin, 423 |
Franç.: Québec | pisseu | Sizerin, 423 |
Ital.: Romg. | pisinella | chicken, 2 |
Ital.: Sard. | pissigulu et var. | Wren, 406, (Wagner 2: 278, 280) |
Ital. | piso | pea |
Franç. | petit pois | (tautonym) pea |
Franç.: Norm. | petit poué | Long-tailed Tit, 398 |
Franç.rég. | pouet | leaf warblers, 384-387 |
Franç.rég. | mange-pois | leaf warblers, 384-387 |
Franç.rég. | mendj-pei | leaf warblers, 384-387. (Folk etym.; these birds do not eat peas) |
Ital.reg. | pizz-re, pizz-pot | Wren, 406 |
Roman. | pit, pitur | Wren, 406 |
Alb. | pizere | small |
Pers. | pisar | child |
Anc.Greek | pais | child (cf. paidos, 9.2.1) |
Germ.reg. | pischken | Wren, 406 |
Basque | pitx | bagatelle |
Basque | epotxa | nain |
Basque | epetx et var. | Wren, 406 |
Cat. | petxeta | Wren, 406 |
Franç.: H.Pyr. | rey-petchyou | Wren, 406 |
Basque | errege-txopit | (metath.) Wren, 406 |
Prov. | pitchoun | small |
Breton: Vannes | pichon | bird |
Franç.: VD | pichon | leaf warblers, 384-387 |
Franç.: Bretagne | pichoun, pichon | nestling, poulet |
Franç.: Bourb. | piche | poulette |
Franç.: Bourb. | pichin | chick |
Span. | pichón | jeune pigeon |
Span.: Cuba | pichón | jeune oiseau, jeune mouette etc. |
Span.: Arg. | pichón | jeune animal |
Port. | picha | poule |
Ital.: Cal. | piccia | poule |
Ital.: Vadi (Cal.) | picciûne | small bird |
Ital.: Corse | piccione | chick |
Ital.: Sard.: Sass. | pidzóni | bird |
Ital.: Sard.: Sennori | bidzone, biddizone | small bird |