Germ. reg. | fricke | Tree Sparrow, 412 |
Franç. | friquet | Tree Sparrow, 412 (tache auriculaire) |
Germ. reg. | fritze | Goldfinch, 415 |
Franç.: Fraize | èfrekêi | attifer, parer, FEW 21: 540 |
Engl. | freak | streak |
Engl. | freckled | freckled |
Germ.(MHG) | forhel | Germ. forelle trout |
Anc.Greek | phorkos | grey |
Slk. | vrk ocata | Tufted Duck, 48 (white eye) |
Franç.: Evolène (VS) | farcon | couleur brun chaud |
Franç.: Isérables (VS) | ferca | nom de vache |
Franç.: Hérémence(VS) | farca, farqueta | nom de vache |
Ital.: Vigezzo | farciola | Redstart, 347 |
Franç.: Vionnaz (VS) | fargairâ | saleté, FEW 21: 192 |
Franç.: Montb. | enfregôtai | souiller, FEW 23: 194 |
Franç.arg. | farguer | rougir |
Franç.: St.MartinP. | farguélo | flambé, FEW 22: 44 |
Franç.: Paris | fargotter | rougir |
Ital. | fregio | ornament |
Franç.: Pic. | frioter | faire la belle, FEW 21: 540 |
Franç. | fringues | belle toilette |
Dan. | fregne | freckled |
Anc.Greek | phrynè | frog (body pattern) |
Anc.Greek | phrèn | brain (whitish and red folds or ridges on the surface), cf. brain ð3.2.37. |
Prov. | fregolh | Leuciscusphoxinus, un poisson |
Ital. | fregaruolo | id. |
Ital. | fragolino | barbeau, rouget (poissons) |
Prov.: Aix | fraguier | fraisier |
Ital. | fragola | fraise ð3.2.46. |
Ital.: Sic. | frangolino, francolino | Stone Curlew, 154 |
Ital. | francolino et var. | Golden Plover, 161, Hazel Grouse, 10; Black-head Gull, 90 (tache auriculaire, cf. friquet) |
Ital.: Sic. | franculinu | Francolin, 15 |
Esp. | francolin | Stone Curlew, 154 |
Basque | frankolin | Stone Plover or Golden Plover, 161 |
Prov. | francolo | Golden Plover, 161 |
Mod.Greek | frankolin | Golden Plover, 161 |
Germ.reg. | fränkische kriechente | also franzente (attrib. to "teal"= prob. Gadwall,43) |
Esp. | franciscano | Ferruginous Duck, 51; variété de poule, 2 |
Franç. | franciscain | ordre religieux à l'habit brun (voir frèreð3.2.45.) |
Esp.: Chile | paloma francesa | un pétrel, Pterodromacooki |
Gael.S. | frangach | Magpie 288 |
Mod.Greek | phrangokókkoras | Hoopoe, 263 |
Mod.Greek | phrangókotta | Guineafowl, 6 |
Port. | frango | coq, 2 |
Port. | frango de agua | Water Rail, 142 |
Roman. | frangâ | Ital. fragola,fraiseð3.2.46. |
Roman. | frenghie | brocart |