Gael.S. | rughaid | to redden |
Gael.I. | robhar | reddish |
Port. | ruivo | rufous |
Roman. | róib | rufous brown |
Esp. | rubio | blond |
Franç.: Aoste | roubio | (arg.) fire |
Ital.: Sard. | arrubiu, arruviu | reddish |
Ital.: Sard. | coarubia | Redstart, 348 |
Ital.reg. | rubbiolo | Oriole, 296 |
Cat. | rubell | a mushroom |
Cat. | rovell | rust; yolk |
Prov.: Gard. | rouval, roubal | Robin, 335 |
Franç.: Pic. | rouvire | Robin, 335 |
Mod.Greek | rouvelas | Robin, 335 |
Ital.reg. | ruvezzu, riguzzu, reûzz | Robin, 335 |
Franç.: Morv. | roubisso | pheasant's eye Adonis annua |
Galice | rufo | colored (face), |
Lat. | rufus | reddish, red-haired |
Ital. | rubizzo | ruby |
Franç. | rubis | id. |
Ital.: Piem. | rubi | id. |
Engl. | ruby | a red precious stone |
Franç.: Paris | rubis | élégant, FEW 22: 50 |
hindi | robi | sun |
Lat. | ruber | red |
Lat. | rubus | raspberry |
Franç.: Périg. | roubertié | Robin, 335 |
Franç. | herbe-à-robert | herb robert Geraniumrobertianum (red stems, cf. Gael.I. ruithéalð3.2.52.) |
Franç.arg. | robert | woman's breast |
Engl.reg. | roberd | Robin, 335 |
Germ.reg. | rowerd | Chaffinch, 432 |
Prov. | roubié | a variety of grape |
Prov. | roubado | a variety of fig |
Franç.:Isérables (VS) | robhâ | roussir (se brûler la peau) |
Franç.:Illiez (VS) | râbhda | roussir, FEW 23: 177 |
Prov. | roubin | bai clair |
Franç.: Gasc. | roubino | vache bai clair |
Franç.rég. | rubienne, rubiette | Redstart, 347 |
Roman. | rubinà | to redden |
Roman. | robinet | corncockle (purplish pink flower) |
Franç.: VS | rëbënne | carrot |
Franç.arg. | robignoles | testicles |
Engl. | robin | Robin, 335; Hobby, 232 |
Germ.reg. | heerrobintje | Robin, 335 |
Ukr. | horobynja | sorb or service tree ð3.2.48.2. |
Lettish | rubins | ruby |
Germ.reg. | rubin | Linnet, 422 |
Breton | irvin | turnip |
Germ. | rübe | turnip |
Germ.: Suisse | rüebevögeli | Whinchat, 354 |
Germ.: Suisse | rüebli | carrot |
Franç.rég. | rible, rile | hâle, FEW 23: 177 |
Franç.: H.Sasee | rubllâ | brunir par le feu, FEW 23: 177 |
Engl.: Scot. | reeve | blazing |
Franç.:Bagnes(VS) | ravée | rougeur du ciel au lever et au coucher du soleil |
Franç.: Bagnes | raworé | feu qui dégage une grande chaleur |
Franç.: Sommepy | ravoriller | remuer le feu, FEW 23: 46 |
Franç.: Briollay | raviée | grand feu clair, FEW 23: 43 |
Franç.rég. | revyou, ranvyou | aussi rabyou,rambleur etc. lueur, FEW 23: 44 |
Franç.: Metz | rambyou | flambée, FEW 23: 44 |
Esp. | arrebol | red glow of the sky |
Franç.: Béarn. | arbadjoû | charmant, FEW 22: 51 |
Basque | arraba | fish gills; a kind of sea alga; strawberry |
Basque | arrabasa | petit poisson de rivière à nageoires rouges |
Basque | harabar | earth |
Franç.: Lim. | rabe | turnip |
Franç. | rave | turnip |
Anc.Greek | raphanís | turnip |
Ital.: Lomb. | ravágna | Woodcock, 193 |
Lat. | ravus | roux; aussi défini commme "gris (tirant sur le jaune)" |
Russian | rzavét' | to rust |
Ukr. | sypuxa rzava | Barn Owl, 238 |
Czech | reravost | incandescence |
Czech | zrzavý | reddish |
Czech | zrzohlávka, kachna rezawá | Red-crested Pochard, 52 |
Slk. | hrdzavka potapavá | id. |
Pol. | rdzawoczub | id. |
Russian | revén | rhubarb, plante with large red petiole |
Pers. | rèwen | rhubarb |
Anc.Greek | rhèon | rhubarb (appears to be a borrowing from Pers., the plant originating in Asia); Lat. rheum is borrowed from Greek |
Anc.Greek | rhabábaron | rhubarb (Ital. rabarbaro, Germ. rhabarber, Engl. rhubarb, French rhubarbe etc. are borrowings) |