Anc.Greek | adámas | pure |
Franç.:Seychelles | diamant | Roseate Tern, 98a |
Franç. | diamant | (by bird dealers)certain estrildid finches, multicoloured birds |
Franç. | diamant | diamond |
Franç. | damier | checkerboard ð3.4.8.3. |
Franç.:Bretonnières(VD) | dama | nom de vache |
Franç.:Villefr.s.Mer | dame | nom de vache |
Franç.: Yonne | dame | White Wagtail, 313 |
Franç.: Sav. | dame agasse | Magpie, 288 |
Franç.reg. | dame margot | Magpie, 288 |
Franç. | dame des bois | Woodcock, 193 |
Engl.: Cornish | dame-ku | Woodcock, 193 |
Franç. | vert-des-dames | a mushroom with speckled top |
Franç.: Sav. | dame | Great Spotted Woodpecker, 273 |
Franç.: Sav. | dameta | Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, 277 |
Franç.: Norm. | dame (d'eau) | Black-throated Diver, 64 |
Franç.reg. | dame | ground beetle, dragonfly and certain plants, especially Orchis with speckled flowers |
Franç.: Poitou | damelle | (a.litt.) fête des 11'000 vierges, FEW 23: 163 |
Franç.: Lorr. (a.litt.) | domel | certain jourde fête, FEW 23: 163 (où l'on porte de beaux habits) |
Franç.reg. | dame | Blue Tit, 391, White Wagtail, 313; dragonfly |
Cat. | dameta | id. |
Franç.: wall. | haimotte | name for a black and white cow |
Franç.reg. | dama | Barn Owl, 238 |
Ital.: Piem. | dáma, damina | Barn Owl, 238 (donna,belladonna by folk etym.) |
Ital.: Piem. | damina | Wren, 406 |
Franç.reg. | damerette | butterfly |
Ital. | dámo | a gallant |
Lat. | dama | fallow deer (spotted coat) |
Ital.: Trent. | daìna, taìna | Ptarmigan, 12 |
Ital. | daino | fallow deer |
Ital.: Piem. | dan | id. |
Czech | danek | id. |
Pol. | daniel | id. |
Lith. | danielius | id. |
Engl. | dainty | elegant, refined (cannot relate semantically to dignity) |
Port. | gama | (d>g) fallow deer |
Port. | gamarra | Woodcock, 193, cf. dame, above |
Franç. | gamme | gamut (musical writing characterized by a series of black dots |