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3.6.4 m-r-n Dark; sombre

Franç.mornedismal, gloomy
Franç.: wall.mornéspotted with black (canari, 420)
Franç.: Norm.morhennéfort triste, FEW 22: 26
Engl.mournto mourn
Roman.mamornicmeloid (purple-black insect)
Ital.: Lomb.morniröBlack Redstart, 348
Ital.: Pav.mornarinBlackcap, 358
Port.morinelloGrey Plove, 162 (black belly)
R.Rom.murinellaCollared Flycatcher, 333
Ital.: TImorinellBlack Swift, 321
Germ.mornell, morinelleDotterel, Charadrius morinellus, 166. Morinellus
is a Low Lat. name (in Caius, 1510) and is certainly not derived from Gr. moros fool; sandpipers and plovers by no means deserve this epithet. The name has been bestowed upon this species by Linné but certainly should apply to both the Grey Plover, 162 and the Golden Plover, 161 in their black summer plumage, like Port. morinello (above) which is prob. the source of Caius' latinisation; Germ. mornell,morinell are calques of the sc. name.
Hitt.mrinudark; grape
Ital.: Sard.murinuHouse Sparrow (?) 410
Ital.reg.morina et var.Great Tit, 390
Aroman.: Macéd.murnudark blue
Franç.marrondark brown; horse chestnut
Engl.mourningtime of the day when the first light appears.
Although belonging to the same chromatic base, there is a certain semantic distance between to mourn (above) and morning the time of the day when the first (red brown) light of dawn appears. Note the passage from m-rn "dark" to "brown", and "red-brown". See morgenð3.6.10.

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