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4.1.10 kik- Top, tuft, small rounded things; sommet, huppe, petites choses arrondies

BaluchikikkehCrested Lark, 299
Bulg.kikir petleHoopoe, 263
Anc.Greekkikkos et var.cock, 2
Sbc.kikaşGreat Crested Grebe, 66
Sbc.kikacaCrested Lark, 299
Sbc.kikašicaTufted Duck, 48
Slk.kikašCrested Lark, 299
Estoniankikkascock, 2
Hung.kakascock, 2
FinnishkuikkaGreat Crested Grebe, 66
Russian: OlonetzkujkaGreat Crested Grebe, 66
EstoniankuikGreat Crested Grebe, 66
Alb.kikëmane, summit, point
R.Rom.: Vazchic(= kik) chignon, bun
Alb.qikëlsummit, point
Bulg.kikir petleHoopoe, 263
Norsk dial.kjekscomponent in names of some Umbelliferae, cf. cicuta (hereunder)
Engl.cheekthe rounded part of the face, one side of a hammer head etc.
Skr.cika, cikhapoint, tuft
Skr.cikhincock, 2
Roman.chicâcock's comb, corn cob
Sbc.kiçenkaegret of the Grey Heron, 118
Basquetxikismall ð9.7
Span.chicosmall ð9.7.
Engl.chick peaFrench. poischiche
Franç.: St.Etiennechichonflowerhead of the burdock
Franç.: Poitouquichepoint
Franç.quichesorte de gâteau (découpé en points, cf. pizzað270., fr.)
Franç.quiquepoint; penis
Franç.rég.kikètetop of a tree; penis
Franç.rég.quiquituft, etc.; Wren, 406
Lith.kikilisWren, 406
Franç.rég.rechichouWren, 406
CzechceculaWren, 406
Franç.: Lorr.quicanut
Franç.chiquebit (of tobacco, etc.);play marble;cup; bonbon (regional)
Franç.déchiqueterto cut into shreds
Franç.chicottree stump
Franç.rég.chiquetpiece, stump; top of a tree (kikète, ci-dessus); tuft of hair
Ital.ciccantonacorpulent woman
Ital.: Cal.cicuótulalarge head
Franç.chicanechicane, staggered joints
Ital.cicóreachicory, endive
Franç.cigare, cigarettecylindrical objects
Franç.cigareusean insect that rolls leaves into cylinders
Franç.ciguëhemlock, an Umbelliferae with umbrella-like inflorescences, see cicutað4.1.1.
Franç.: VStsecwàyid.

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