| | |
Anc.Greek | khalaza | hailstone |
Breton | kalon | heart |
Pers. | kailàm | chest, something swollen; Grey Heron, 118 (goitre) |
Franç. | cale | wedge |
Germ. | keil | id. |
Ital.: Primiero | calósseghe | Crested Lark, 299 |
Franç. | cale, calot, calotte | various headdresses |
Franç.rég. | caline, caluret, calèche | kinds of headdress |
Franç.rég. | calot | grosse bille |
Franç. | calèche | barouche |
Franç. | chalet | wooden dwelling. Not from cal stone (chalets are invariably built with wood), but from their pitched roof. Chalets are more recent than the former stone huts with flat roofs |
Anc.Greek | kaliá | hut; kaliás small house, small church |
Dan. | skaal | cup |
Germ. | schale | id. |
Goth. | skalja | tile |
Russian | skala | bark |
R.Rom.: Sent | škalitsa | wood chip |
Engl. | shell | hard covering of nuts, mollusks |
Ital. | scaglia | scale, French écaille |
Engl. | scallion | shallot |
Franç. | échalote | bulb with scales (why posit a Lat. "*Ascalonia (caepa)"? |
Franç.(a.litt.) | escale | cup, shell, husk |
Franç.ouest | cale, calon, écale | nut shell |
Span. | calabaza | pumpkin, French calebasse |
Franç. | cal | callosity, (foot) horn |
Franç. | chaille | heap of stones |
Franç. | caillou | stone |
Franç. | cailler | to coagulate |
Span. | calieta | a mushroom |
Mod.Greek | chaléki | stone, pebble |
Span. | calle | street (also in Ital. and Roman.) |
Span. | calzada | roadway |
Franç. | chaussée | long écueil sous-marin, levée de terre, partie |
médiane de la voie publique: configurations bombées (non pas d'un "latin populaire" hypothétique calceata qui voudrait dire "couvert de chaux" - les voies publiques ne sont jamais couvertes de chaux; en outre, cette "étymologie" n'explique pas les autres acceptions du mot |
Franç. | chausse | breeches, also chaussure shoe,chaussette sock : garments put on |
Span. | caliche | pebble |
Span. | calce | (concave) cup, chalice, small canal, etc. |
Span. | cauce | (concave) riverbed |
Span. | calcar | to stamp |
Franç.: Pic. | cauquer | to be on top |
Franç.: VS | cocher | to mount the hen (cock) |
Franç. | chaucher | to be on top, to perch, French jucher 4.1.11; also various Romance forms with cac-, caš-, cas-, šas-, šos-, caca-, caga-, caccia- |
Prov.: Nice | chôssa | brooding hen, FEW 22: 15 |
Franç.rég. | chauchevent | Kestrel, 234 |
Engl.reg. | windsucker | Kestrel, 234: riding the wind (cf. the preceding) |
Engl.reg. | hay-sucker | Dunnock, 408 (i.e. frequenting hedges; sucker is the equivalent of Fr. chaucher "to be on top", cf. preceding names) |
Engl.reg. | coneysucker | Wheatear, 349 (i.e. frequenting holes; for coney hole ð4.1.18.4.) |
Ital.reg. | caccia-fond, cassasout | Little Grebe, 70 ("bottom rider") |
Franç.rég. | caqueni, cagonis | last hatched of a brood ("nest rider") |
Ital.reg. | cacanidio | nestling |