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4.2.5 k-r-t Crested; huppé

Anc.GreekkorydálosCrested Lark, 299
Mod.GreekaskordelosCrested Lark, 299
Mod.GreekkourtsoliósCrested Lark, 299
Mod.GreekskourriaulósCrested Lark, 299
Anc.Greekkorythoncock, 2
Anc.Greekkorythaíolosepithet for the Hoopoe, 263
Cat.coritesnom que es dona a les gallines per a nidar-les (call to hens) Greek influx
Span. reg.curitaCrested Tit, 397 (Greek influx)
Gallego: Goyáncorutacrest (Greek influx)
Gallego (Sierra de Barbanza)curotacrest
Span.: Boliviacorotacock's comb
Gallegocorucha, curucheiraCrested Lark, 299
Span.: Sal.corujada, encorujaCrested Lark, 299
Ital.scorreggioneCrested Lark, 299
Roman.ghiorghiésCrested Lark, 299

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