Alb. | loroj | howler |
Breton | lorc'h | fright |
talych | louroun | Tawny Owl, 239 |
Kurdish | lurin | to howl |
Arm. | lor | Quail, 23 |
Pers. | làruh | Quail, 23 |
Hindi | lahura | Quail, 23 |
Alb. | laurë | an imaginary animal the comes of the water at night, utters a cry, and dives again |
Alb. | laureshë | Skylark, 297 |
Alb. | laurohem | to win a prize (i.e. acclamation) |
Lat. | laurea | glory (hereunder, and lavd above) |
Franç. | laureat | laureate (the one who is applauded). From Lat. laureatus the explanation of which "adorned with laurel" is a folk etym. |
Esp.: Nav. (a.litt.) | aplaurar | to speak |
Engl. | lore | learning, knowledge |
Germ. | lehre | teaching, doctrine |
Lat. | Lara | a garrulous goddess |
Alb. | lorza (flet si) | he speaks like a parrot |
Franç.(a.litt.) | lori, louri | parrot, 260 |
Engl. | lory | parrot, 260 (said to be of Malay origin; however, no such word has been recorded in Malay languages except for an obscure noury which is perhaps from Engl.) |
Esp. | loro | parrot, 260 |
Ital.: Ligur. | loro | parrot, 260 |
Engl.: Scot. | sclore | chat, gossip |
Cat. | lloro | a kind of fish also called cotorrað5.9.6., lapað5.12.5. and in Ital. tordodemar, a fish capable of emitting sounds; see Engl. ðgurnet 5.2.29, French grondin and lyri (below) |
Esp. | llorar | to cry |
Cat. | lluernaca | Tawny Owl, 239 |
Cat. | tortet de llaurada | Tree Pipit, 307 |
Breton | luerezh | mockery |
Gael.I. | liuíre | a howler |
Roman. | liuréa | Skylark, 297 |
Franç.: Poitou | lurizuri | Oriole, 296 |
Franç. | luron | bon vivant, "a bit of a lad" |
Franç.: Fraize | enlure | antienne, FEW 23: 145 |
Franç. | lure, turelure | refrains |
Franç.: Lgd. | toroloro | hautbois, FEW 23: 145 |
Franç. | louré | terme musical indiquant un mode d'attaque liée et appuyée |
Franç. | loure | musette de grande taille; danse paysanne |
Breton | lourenn | lyre |
Anc.Greek | lýra | lyre, musical instrument |
Mod.Greek | liros | chattering |
Mod.Greek | lyri | grondin (v. lloro, above) |
Scand. | lira, lire, etc. | gull, 81 |
Germ.reg. | leiern | to crow (domestic cock, 2) |
Germ. | leier | lyre, monotonous noise, refrain |
Germ.reg. | leierenbendel | Wryneck, 279 |
Germ.: Els. | liren | to crow (domestic cock, 2) |
Engl.: Scot. | leerie | domestic cock, 2 |
Nederl. | liere | Skylark, 297 |
Gael.S. | gobada-lìrhid | sandpipers, 180 |
R.Rom.: Vaz | lira | irritating noise |
Franç. | lire | to read (aloud) |
Franç.: Poitou | lurizuri | Oriole, 296 |
Franç.: Lavedan | liroto | talkative; Ldes leroto id. |
Franç.: Gasc. | lirot | goose, 27 |
Franç.rég. | lirou | duckling, 40; Oriole, 296 |
Franç.: Chavanat | lirou | song of birds |
Franç.: Gasc. | lanlire | Ortolan, 441 |
Franç. | tirelire | refrain; duckling, 40; song of the Skylark; Skylark, 297; coin container |
Prov. | tirelireto | Skylark, 297 |
Gallego | léria | chattering |
Port. | neirona | (pour leirona) Gravelot, 165 |
Gallego | mingoleirón | Oriole, 296 |
Gallego | lironero | Oriole, 296 |
Franç.rég. | lére | Skylark, 297 |
Etr. | lerzinia | lament |
Anc.Greek | laryngizo | to cry (> larynx) |
Germ.reg. | lerg | Skylark, 297 |
Gael.I. | lairéog | Skylark, 297 |
Gael.S. | láir | mare |
Gael.S. | lairigigh | Green Woodpecker, 270 |
Franç. | larigot | (arigot par déglutination) sorte de flûte |
Franç.: Ldes | láyran | Whitethroat, 362 |
Franç.: Ldes | layrá | to bark |
Franç.: Nivelles | lari | din, uproar FEW 23: 196 |