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BretongrellBarn Owl, 238
Franç.grêleprécipitation grésillante; see also grésilð5.5.3.
Franç.: Belg.crêlercrier d'une voix fausset, FEW 22: 63 et 23: 142
Franç.: YonnecrêleWhitethroat, 362
Franç.: Fr.C.crâlerto chatter (Magpie, 288)
Franç.: H.MarnecralotGarganey, 43
Franç.: Landescrêlergrincer, FEW 23: 203
Franç.grelotlittle bell
Franç.: centregrillerto ring (small bell)
Franç.: AnjougreletTeal, 44
Franç.: SRgriletCorn Bunting, 445
Franç.Vouvant (Vendée)gœrlécricket
Roman.grelus, grierus, gréercricket
Roman.grielusWhitethroat, 362
Roman.grierusSerin, 418
Alb.grilSerin, 418
Alb.grillëBee-eater, 265
Alb.grillojI scrape
Franç.grillerto grill
Franç.cricketan insect emitting a shrill sound
Esp. reg.sigrillónGreenfinch, 416
SvenskgryllRinged Plover, 163
Dan. gryllerCorn Bunting, 445
Germ. reg. grillenlercheCorn Bunting, 445
wfries.grilRinged Plover, 163
Germ.reg.grillvogelRinged Plover, 163, sandpipers, 180
Czechgrylek, krylkaLittle Ringed Plover, 164
Mod.Greekgrýllospig, cricket
Sbc.grljukatito sing (Nightingale, 337)
Sln.griljcekSerin, 418
Ukr.irlycokSerin, 418
Germ.grylle, girlitzSerin, 418
SvenskgrylleBlack Guillemot, 75
Franç.: Gersgriuágratter, frotter, FEW 21: 397
Franç.: Lgd., Aveyr.grioulácrier comme le cricket
Franç.: Castresgriouláto utter a strident cry
Prov.griouloCorn Bunting, 445
Franç.: Lgd.passerat griéouléCorn Bunting, 445
Franç.: Puisserguiercrialácrisser, FEW 23: 203
Franç.: Sav.creuláto sing (Black Grouse, 8)
Franç.crouleroding of the Woodcock, 193
Franç.(a.litt.)croilerto honk (goose, 27)
Ital.: I.GigliogruelloCommon Tern, 97
Franç.: Quercygreularpousser des cris aigus, geindre
Franç.: QuercygreulaShort-toed Lark, 300
Franç.: Lim.réulácrier (petits oiseaux). Pour la perte du /g/, cf. grenouille - ranað5.2.29.
Esp.reolín, redolínGrey Plover, 162
Esp.relincharto neigh
Esp.relinchón et var.Green Woodpecker, 270
Franç.: VDrouelàto howl
Franç.: VSriouleboring music; grumbler
Franç.: Crémieuxryouâlaritournelle, FEW 23: 143
Franç.: Juvignyrioulágrincer, FEW 23: 203
Franç.: Berryriaulemurmure (de ruisseau)
Franç.: Sav.riaulâgronder, FEW 22: 80
Franç.: Lesparrerilayrechanteur de la nuit de Noël, FEW 23: 144
Germ.reg.rieledomestic duck, 40
Engl.reelto spout, to rattle on; a kind of music for a dance; turret (of lathe), French touretð5.1.1.; not cognate to reel, (various objects) or to reel to sway, waver
Engl.reeling soundcrackling sound
Engl.reelerNightjar, 251
Gael.S.reilgeBarn Owl, 238
Germ.rülpsento burp
Cat.ruletaSong Thrush, 339
Franç.: SRrouletteWoodlark, 298
Franç.: D.SèvresrouletteSnipe, 194
Franç.rouladesuccession of notes (sans rapport avec le verbe rouler)
Cat.rullsTree Pipit, 307
Esp.arrullarto coo, to sing a lullaby
Esp.rollonaTurtle Dove, 257
Port.rôlaTurtle Dove, 257
Port.: Mad.rola, rulinhanames for several sandpipers and sandplovers: 165
Germ.reg.rolledomestic duck, 40
Dan., Svenskrylesandpipers, 171, 180
Germ.grollen, grullengobbling (turkey, 5)
SvenskgruulRedshank, 174
Ital.: Romg.grulègobbling of the Turkey, 5
Engl. growlgrumble
Franç.groulerto sing (Black Grouse, 8)
Franç.: Aubertingroulersubir la première action du feu, FEW 23: 176
Franç.: wall.groûlerto growl, to coo
Franç.: Valognesdegrûlyigargouiller (intestins), FEW 23: 202
Franç.: Arrensgourlupábouillir avec bruit, FEW 23: 183
Ital.: Ver.grolinNutcracker, 291
Ital.: I.GigliogruelloCommon Tern, 97
Prov.(a.litt.)grolhgrognement, FEW 22: 79
Franç.grollemauvais soulier (grinçant); Carrion Crow, 280
Ital.nordgrol et var.Carrion Crow, 280
Franç.rég.grolëto crow
Franç.rég.pigrolle et var.Green Woodpecker, 270
Ital.: Sard.gròddoWren, 406
Franç.rég.grolounerto call (Ptarmigan, 12)
Franç.: Charl.grolonbumble bee
Franç.: Fr.gravalonbumble bee
Ital.: Tosc.gravolo et var.Oriole, 296
Ital.reg.gravolino et var.Wren, 406
Ital.sudgráulu et var.Hooded Crow, 281
Roman.grâur et var.Starling, 293
Roman.grâuritaCrane, 133
R.Rom.grargnaNutcracker, 291

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