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5.4.5 fl-r, fl-t

Roman.flûier et var.flute; sandpipers, 171; Golden Plover, 161; Oriole, 296
Mod.GreekflyarópapiaGarganey, 43
All. flüsternto whisper
Franç.: Fr.C.fiouterto whistle (Blackbird)
Franç.: Gasc.flaout, flahutStone Curlew, 154 or Curlew, 167
Prov.flaouGreat Northern Diver, 65
Port.floucho, flechaGarden Warbler, 357-366
Ital.: Cal.fráutuflute; Bullfinch, 430
Franç.: Sol.fluteux, luteuxWoodlark, 298
Germ.reg.fleiterGolden Plover, 161
Engl.felt, felter, felfer et var.a thrush, see next word
Engl.fieldfare et var.a thrush, prob. the Song Thrush (in the literature
often attributed by tradition to Turduspilaris but also to other thrushes). Fieldfare understood as "field goer" is a folk etymology for felfare,fenfare and var. which are the most widespread forms (see No. 341). See also filoméolð5.4.3..

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