| | |
Arabic | gar | to cry |
Arabic: Maghreb | gharrak, algarrak | Cormorant, 105; Pratincole, 152 |
Arabic | garida | to sing, to warble |
Hebr. | gàron | sound |
Skr. | garal | praise |
Skr. | garjami | to sound |
Skr. | garhati | to complain |
Skr. | garjati | to scold |
Russian | garkat' | to cry |
Czech | hrkacka | rattle |
Lith. | garkis | Great Crested Grebe, 66 |
Lith. | iSgarbinti | to praise in song |
Lith. | garsumas | tone, resonance |
Breton | garsmen | cackling |
Anc.Greek | gérys | voice |
Lith. girtas | girtas | praised, celebrated |
Skr. | gurtas | id. |
Alb. | gërje | rattle |
Alb. | gërthas | I cry |
Alb. | gërthiulë | Hoopoe, 263 |
Franç. | guéréter | to sing (Mistle Thrush, 340) |
Nederl. | gerrit | sandpipers, 180, Jackdaw, 285 |
Nederl. | old geert | Carrion Crow, 281 |
Germ. reg.. | gererle | Song Thrush, 339 |
Germ. reg. | wisengerre | Whinchat, 354 |
Germ.: Pfälz | gêret, gäred | goose ? , 27 |
Germ.reg. | gerschwalbe | also geier-,girswalwe Black Swift, 321 |
Germ.: SG | chriesigärsch | Nutcracker, 291 |
Germ. | gerren | to cry |
Breton | ger | word |
Franç. | guerre | combat: a noisy event (pour termes connexes, see |
No.324, Ital.); cf. la description de Jules César: "Il en sortait [des carnyx, la trompette gauloise] des sons épouvantables adaptés aux rumeurs de la guerre ainsi qu'aux clameurs et aux hurlements que poussaient les soldats". Cf. aussi querelleð5.2.11., Lith. karas "guerre" ð5.2.14., war (below) |
Franç. | gare! | a warning interjection |
Breton | ger | word |
Engl. | war | combat: noisy event (see No. 324, Ital. for cognates) |
Hitt. | weriya | to call |
Lith. | vardas | nom |
Engl. | word | statement, pledge, news etc. |
Cymric | gawr | noise |
Gael.I. | gáir | to cry |
Gael.I. | gáire | to laugh |
Gael.S. | gàireun | Heron, 118 |
Gael.S. | gaoir | noise |
Gael.I. | fógair | to proclaim, announce |
Gael.I. | gáróid | clamou |
Gael.S. | clamhan gearr | Buzzard, 211 |
Gael.S. | gearra | Corn Crake, 146; Oystercatcher, 155 |
Gael.S. | sgàirag | gull, 81, 84 (coll.) |
Engl.: Ire. | gearog | gull, 81, 84 (coll.) |
l. | garrio | to cry, warble, babble |
Basque | garraio | House Sparrow, 410 |
Alb. | garrit | he brays |
Sbc. | járiti | to get angry |
Sbc. | jare | kid (goat) |
Ital. | garrire | to cry |
Roman. | garaire | to cry |
Franç.: Vendôme | gariller | criailler |
Franç.: Aoste | vareyer | délirer |
Franç. | garrot | gossip |
Roman. | garói | Rook, 282 |
Roman. | gârâi | to honk (goose, 27) |
Prov. | garoun | Red-legged Partridge, 16 |
Prov. | garou | domestic cock, 2 |
Franç.: Isère | garo, jaro | matou |
Franç.: Barcelonnette | desgarouet | à gros bouillons, FEW 23: 183 |
Franç.: Liège | guèriau | oiseau qui a remporté plusieurs prix dans un concours de chant |
Basque | gario | Mistle Thrush, 340 |
Basque | garangari | clucking hen, 2 |
Basque | ustagarro | Ptarmigan, 12 |
Franç.: Gasc. | garia | Ptarmigan, 12 (see also garioleð5.2.17. |
Franç.: Albret | garruo | talkative woman |
R.Rom. | sgartar | gratterð5.2.44. |
Germ.: ostfries. | sgärter | Common Tern, 97 |
Esp. | algarabía | jargon, indistinct noise; (Amrr.) Fulvous Whistling Duck Dendrocygnabicolor |
Gallego | algarear | to cry |
Franç.: Gers | garie, garignole | Coot, 138 |
Franç.: Gasc. | gari, gario, garia | domestic hen, 2; Ptarmigan, 12 |
Franç.: Gasc. | garita | domestic hen, 2 |
Ital. | garrito | warbling |
Cat. | garito | crit i soroll de molta gent reunida |
Cat. | garipets | Great Reed Warbler, 373, 374 |
Franç.: Lavedan | garipèuto | din, uproar, FEW 23: 204 |
Franç.: Annecy | garifalá | rire, jouer bruyamment, FEW 22: 70 |
Franç.rég. | garfahi | rire à gorge déployée, FEW 22: 70 |
Cat. | garrafó, gafarró | Serin, 418 |
Cat. | garabiu | Oriole, 296 |
Gallego | millangarrido | Oriole, 296 (pour millanð5.20.2.) |
Gallego | engarruchado | Carrion Crow, 280 |
Lettish | garastis | Magpie, 288 |
Basque | garraztelu | carde à nettoyer le lin |
Basque | garraztaro et var. | Mistle Thrush, 340 |
Basque | garrasi | cri strident |
Basque | pinpin garatx | Chaffinch, 432 |