Anc.Greek | phyllos | leaf |
Ital. | foglia | Span. hoja |
Engl. | foil | thin sheet of metal; rapier, French fleuretð6.2.7. |
Breton | fulenn | spark, snow flake |
Roman. | fulie | tuft of feathers |
Cymry | filog | feather |
Dan. | file | feather |
Franç. | fil | thread |
Franç. | filer | to dash, flee, flow |
Engl. | feel | to perceive by touch, palpate |
Span. | hueler | to smell |
R.Rom. | feila l'ora | to hover (Kestrel, 234) "bat l'aile" |
Franç. | félá | to hover (Kestrel, 234) |
Gael.I. | féilacan | butterfly |
Engl. | filch | to pilfer (no semantic relation to OE fylcan to marshal, gefylce band of men) |
Franç. | filou | swindler, crook (cf. volð6.2.2.) |
Franç.rég. | filou, fyalaire | Sparrow Hawk, 225 |
Ital.reg. | filarèl | Sparrow Hawk, 225 |
Franç. | félin | supple; a family of supple animals (Felidae). Le franç. feuler "crier (tigre)" est un cultisme formé d'après félin (et n'a guère été utilisé depuis sa création) |
Franç.: VS | felin | trempé, mouillé, Engl. soakedð6.3.10.. |
Ital. | felice | joyous |
Ital.reg. | colafâlicâ | White Wagtail, 313 |
Cat. | feliu | Storm Petrel, 115 |
Franç.: Lens (VS) | fehôya | une graminée |
Anc.Greek | phaláris | a kind of grass (no kin to phalarís Coot ð3.1.32.4.) |
R.Rom.: Vaz | feller | fern |
Gael.I. | fialus | grass |
Roman. | fulg | downy feather (cf. flojel, hereunder) |
Cat. | folguera | fern |
Franç. | fougère | id. |
Gal. | feluxa | id. |
Lat. | filix | id. |
Ital. | felce | id. |
Span. | helecho | id. |
Roman. | ferega | id. |
Roman. | feregea | veil, mantilla |
Span. | flojel | down, feather |
Span. | flojo | fuzzy |
Galice | froixel | very fine feather |
Franç. | follet (poil) | down (fine hair) |
Franç. | follet (feu) | will-o'-the-wisp |
Franç. | fol | lively, playful |
Franç. | fou | crazy: unbalanced |
Franç.: Vaux | dhafolá | s'agiter au vent, FEW 21: 360 |
Franç. | foule | cf. pópoloð6.2.23.; folkð6.2.11. |
Fr.: Mouthier | foletot | Willow Warbler, 384 |
Franç.: Nendaz (VS) | fwató | (pour folató) lutin ð11.5. |
Franç.: Nendaz (VS) | fwató(pei du) | downy feather |
Franç. | fouler | to trample |
Franç. | foulard | scarf |
Roman. | coadâ-feloasâ | White Wagtail, 313 |
Span.: And. | follarago | fuzzy |
Prov.: Nice | fléu | gaz (de la fermentation du vin), FEW 23: 192 |
Franç. | flou | blurred, uncertain, etc. |
Franç.(a.litt.) | flo | thin, weak |
Franç. | flouer | to steal, French volerð6.2.2.. and filou (above) |
Franç.: Rhêmes | flou | (jargon of chimney sweepers) many |
Franç.: Châtellerault | flouée | flock of birds |
Franç. | flouve | une graminée |
Franç. | fleuve | cf. flumenð6.2.5. |
Engl. | flow | cf. fluxusð6.2.13. |
Franç. | fluer | to flow, cf. fluide |
Franç. | fluide | liquid ð11.2. |
Franç. | affluence | abundance |
Engl. | flue | duct in a chimney; a kind of fisherman's net; fluff, downy matter |
Engl. | flews | pendulous sides of the upper lips of certain dogs, French fanonsð5.3.14. ("orig. uncert.") |
Engl. | floe | sheets of floating ice |
Franç.: Mons | fale | éclat de feu, grande lueur |
Ital. | falò | bonfire |
Ital. | falò(far) | to shine. Should rather read farfalòð6.2.19. |
Franç. | falot | lantern; joyous,.cf. fol, above |
Franç.rég. | falourde | Black-headed Gull, 90 |
Ital.reg. | fàlocol, fanòcol | Black-headed Gull, 90 |
Germ.reg. | fallermaus | bat, 16 |
Franç.: Alpes-M. | fallera | Snipe, 194 |
Engl. | fall, fail | to drop, etc. |
Engl. | fail | to fall short of success, French faillir |
Franç.: Dauph. | faillibourde | conte en l'air |
Franç.rég. | fallée et var. | tromperie |